Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Dinner and a Fire

Skillet-Braised Chicken with Greens and Olives is an exceptional dish. It really appeals to me. I love the crispy Skin and it is the 2nd best use of Olives (the first, of course being in Martinis). I highly suggest you make this great recipe. You can find the recipe for Skillet-Braised Chicken with Greens and Olives on our blog of September 30, 2024. Click the date to get the recipe.

We started with a Persimmon Salad.

It was a freaky night as we looked out our window and could observe the Los Angeles Fires. We were worried enough to actually bring up a suitcase and pack it with our prescriptions in case we had to flee. Luckily for us the fires never approached our house, too many others weren't as lucky.

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