Monday, May 01, 2023

Porchetta and Fava Beans

A few months ago I was in McCall's Meat and Fish and saw a beautiful Porchetta all rolled up and ready to cook. I love Porchetta, I knew I wanted it but we had planned several dinners and didn't want to make it. It froze beautifully and every once in a while I would think of it, and think "This is the time to make it". That time finally arrived. We defrosted it for 2 days in the Frig and then baked it to perfection. It was great with fabulous Crackling Skin. It severed us for several nights, then sandwiches and damned if our finicky cat Parsifal did like it also! You can find the recipe for the Porchetta on our blog of Feb 24, 2014. Click the date to get the recipe.

It was spring and we had lots of beautiful Fava Beans available at Cookbook, so in addition to the Fava Beans we were going to cook with, I got extra pods to make a Fava Puree which was absolutely delicious on Toast Points. They were perfect for cocktail hour! You can find the recipe for the Fava Bean Puree (and pictures of us shelling them) on our blog of: April 26, 2013. Click the date to get the recipe.

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