Thursday, September 16, 2021

Garlic Picanha Steak

Like all the Meats, Fish or Poultry we buy from Black HoggGarlic Picanha Steak was great. Once you order (by Tuesday of the week) you can pick up on either Thursday or Friday. The product you purchase (you get a choice of two) is Marinated or comes with a Sauce. Sometimes it is both Marinated and a Sauce is supplied. You just need to cook it per their directions and serve it with whatever you want. We are never disappointed.

Garlic Picanha Steaks - Prime Grade Angus Culottes

Black Hogg 


please note, steaks are already seasoned.  after cooking, taste the meat and sprinkle more salt if desired.  ALSO, EAT THE FATTY PIECES!  THAT'S WHERE THE FLAVOR IS.


THE REVERSE SEAR - this requires oven cooking and then transferring steaks to grill, broiler, or skillet (cast iron works best).

1. Preheat oven to 250° (for convection), or 275° (for standard oven).

2. Line Picanha steaks on foil-lined cooking sheet and place in oven for 15-20 minutes (larger pieces require longer time)

3. Flip steaks and cook in oven for 15-20 minutes more.

4. Transfer steaks to hot grill, broiler, or hot skillet (add some veg oil to skillet).

5. You want to get a quick sear on all sides of the steak. Make sure to brown the fatty side well. Cook longer for more done-ness.

7. Let steaks rest for 5 minutes (this is to retain the juices).

8. With sharp knife, slice the steaks, taste a piece and add more salt if desired.  Enjoy!


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