Saturday, April 20, 2024

Asparagus with Chopped Egg


We love Asparagus in the Spring. Interestingly there is less California grown Asparagus at the market compared to previous years. Most of it now comes from Mexico. I assume it is because of the draught last year. We had lots of rain this year, so maybe California Asparagus will return. We often serve Asparagus topped with a Fried Egg. This variation is served with Chopped Egg. It is also a good way to serve the Asparagus. When I made the Chopped Egg besides Salt and Pepper I added some Mustard. It was excellent.

Asparagus season is the forerunner to Cherry Season and this year the Cherries are excellent. Served over Chocolate Ice Cream with a splash of Kaluha it is a treat!

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