Saturday, January 03, 2015

Oh the Excess!

Fois Gras on Toast Points with Jam
Kobe Beef # 6

Kobe on the Grill

Kobe with Garlic Mash Potatoes with Truffles

Chocolate Carmel Tart from McCall's

I was brought up to believe “if you are going down, go down big!”. Boy did we on this dinner. Obviously New Year’s diet resolutions have not yet kicked in. We started with the remaining Fois Gras from New Year’s Eve. I was happy to learn yesterday that the ban on the sale of Fois Gras in California has been overturned. We had to order the Fois Gras from D'Artagnan. Now I guess it will be available in stores, not that we eat it that often. This particular Fois was extremely tasty!

When we were at McCall’s Meat and Fish they had some Japanese Kobe Beef. It is extremely marbled, tender, juicy, flavorful and expensive. They Japanese have a grading system for Kobe and this was # 6, I immediately asked is there a #7, I was assured, no, this is as good as it gets. How could we pass up the opportunity? We couldn’t, of course. We asked how best to cook it and they suggested grilling 2 minutes per side, using no oil, the meat is laden with fat it will cook fine without sticking. They were correct. This is definitely a meat eater’s ultimate experience.

We served Garlic Mashed Potatoes with the Kobe Beef. We shaved Fresh Black Truffles on top of the potatoes. The Garlic Mashed Potato recipe is the best mashed potato recipe we have ever made. You can find the recipe on our blog of: November 12, 2012. Click the date to get the recipe.
We topped the dinner off with a Chocolate Carmel Tart from McCall's. Joy and Brenda had given me a delicious bottle of Chateau Boswell wine from Napa that was the perfect accompniment to this very rich and excessive meal! 

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