Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Chanukah Brunch

We had our annual Chanukah brunch at our house. We had a great group, Sister Mina, her partner Sharon, a neighbor Bea Gold and new friend Mary Jane Shubow who went to school with Cathy’s brother Michael.

Bea Landon stopped by and had a latke. There are always other deli foods from Cantors (lox, herring, bagels, cream cheese, macaroons), but in reality it is all about the Latkes. Cliff makes them, gets the kitchen really dirty from all of the frying, but in the end it is worth it. There were some very nice gifts: a dredial and directions, a beautiful calandar a collection of Jewish Short Stories on CD. They are all appreciated.

We thought the conversation, food and mix of people made it a special brunch!

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