Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Soft Dinner for a Sore Mouth

Wine: Shotfire

We were on the west side of Los Angeles, both having dentist appointments. The key criteria was soft food because we knew our mouths with be sore!

We went to Clementine and picked up their great Chicken Pot Pie. We also picked up their Banana Cream Pie, It is very good.

Chris at The Cheese Store of Silverlake had given us the end of a Prosciutto. We made a great warm winter dish: Rici-e-Bici from Bugialli’s Italy by Giuliano Bugialli. We needed to cut up the Prosciutto and I experimented with grinding it using the K5A meat grinder attachment. It was perfect, it came out just like sausage. The Rici-e-Bici is much easier to make than a risotto and reheats well.

We had the Banana Cream Pie for dessert (it was a small one).

The dinner almost made going to the dentist worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.